Clinic Day 5

Team Uganda

Aug. 10, 2018

We’ve had four long days and we’re feeling a bit fatigued. This may explain my mixed emotions: joy, sadness, love, emptiness, compassion and helplessness. As we drove to the village, I gazed out the window watching to local people. I began counting the bare feet. Less than 50% of the people were wearing shoes. Adults riding motorcycles and bicycles had bare feet. Women and children were walking barefoot while carrying water or other supplies in their head. Men and women digging with hoes while barefoot. Children in uniforms were walking to school without shoes. My heart was saddened as I observed the numerous bare feet treading on the dirt and rocks.

I also see the strength and perseverance in the Ugandans. No one appears to be complaining. Then I see joy and contentment as I observe a young girl , about 8 years old, skipping on the road as she approaches her school. And a young boy is smiling and waving as he rides with 2 others on a motorcycle (aka bota bota) to school.

I’m reminded that we must continue to share with God’s people who are in need ( Romans 12:13). I’ve learned so much from the Ugandans: to be content and joyful despite the circumstances around you. I’m inspired to persevere in hope and faith and to be thankful for all of God’s provisions at all times.